More: My Christmas Party

Every year I have a Christmas party and this year it was another great one full of friends, food, and wine. Oh yeah, and kids. I think there were more kids there than adults. Note to self: hire a babysitter for the next get together. Also, congrats to my friend B. who has been to EVERY SINGLE ONE of my parties for the past 5 years.

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It was a crazy weekend with another Improv show on Friday and another holiday party on Saturday. The Saturday one was at Soule Domain, a really nice restaurant in Tahoe. Thanks to my friends L. and T., D. and I made it home safe after an overdose of good food and wine. I know Thanksgiving has passed, but I can’t stop being grateful for my good friends, so thanks everyone who made it to D.’s show and to my Christmas party and shared some holiday cheer!

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Marathon Training – Week 18

The title of this post is totally misleading. Yes, I am supposed to be training for my marathon in April, but because of the cold, ice, and snow, I just can’t bring myself to do it. Plus, the holidays are around the corner and I have way too much to get done before the end of the year.

That doesn’t mean I just gave up. I did get a two week pass to Anytime Fitness. Since I can’t run outside, then the next best thing would be to use a treadmill. I did go for two days and both days I ran/walked for 6 miles, so I guess my training for this week consisted of 12 miles, which is probably less than half of what I’m supposed to be doing.  I also skipped Kaia Fit and yoga altogether. Still hoping next week I’ll do better…

More: The Random Holiday Play Generator and Improv Show

My super talented boyfriend is part of an Improv group who was doing the second part of a holiday show special, so last week I gathered my friends to go see him. The first part of the show were holiday skits, some of them pretty funny, like “A Jehovah witness’ Christmas” and “Santa’s twerking video”. The second half starts with D. asking the audience for a title, and from there they make up a play. You’d think it would be extremely confusing and that it wouldn’t flow well, but this group is so creative and professional, it seemed like they had rehearsed the “Holiday Painting” before, which was the title an audience member suggested. Tomorrow they are doing one last show for the season, so if you’re in Reno, go see them at the Potentialist Workshop at 8 pm!

Marathon Training – Week 19

For Week 19 I was supposed to do 23 miles. How many did I actually run? ZERO. Yes, you read it right: 0. I am so mad at myself, but at the same time I don’t know how it could’ve been different. We got tons of snow last week, making it hazardous to run outside. I actually tried going to Iddlewild Park, but it was pure ice. Plus, I was also sick, which made it impossible to even walk with all this cold air. The highest temperature was probably 20 degrees this past week, so on Saturday I pretty much just stayed home and did nothing. Literally. I usually do an average of 25,000 steps on a Saturday, but this past one I got less than 500! My eating habits continued to suffer too: Olive Garden, Panda Express, Little Caesar Pizza, a whole batch of chocolate chip cookies… How can I get the strength to go on with this marathon training when I am so ready for winter to be over? Wait, winter hasn’t even started yet! I need a new plan…

More: Thanksgiving

I could go on and on about this year’s Thanksgiving: how my students made the cutest paper turkeys, why my Trader Joe’s meal didn’t work out, how I made amazing chocolate pecan and pumpkin pies in gluten free crust, but all I really want to do is quote Tom Hanks again in Sleepless in Seattle: “It was like… magic.”

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Marathon Training – Week 20

My 20-week marathon training has started! Unfortunately, it didn’t start with much enthusiasm… Last week I was supposed to work out with Kaia Fit twice, go to yoga three times, and run 4 days for a total of 21 miles. I made it to Kaia once, yoga once, and ran only 3 days. I had to combine two running days into one and I think that’s how it’s going to be until the end of the winter. At least I did 20 miles total last week, just 1 mile short of my goal. Don’t get me wrong, I love running, but this cold weather is not helping. Will I be able to meet my goal this week?

Thanksgiving Run

Thanksgiving Run